• Only one mop and one cloth is all you need to dust, clean, and polish everything in your entire home!
• You can clean using only water!
• Because expensive, harmful chemical cleansers are not necessary to clean with Starfiber® products,
you can save money and the environment!
• Unlike other disposable mops, you don’t have to keep buying expensive disposable mop sheets.
• Because Starfiber® products are so effective, you can clean much faster than with traditional cleaners.


“I have been cleaning homes professionally for 22 years and I have never used a product that I could recommend to anyone until I tried your unbelievable products. I have cut my cleaning time in half! I am so impressed that your products even exceed what your infomercials say. Thank you so much and please use my testimony if you want to."
Millie Shepard, Mattoon, IL

“…the best cleaning thing I’ve ever tried…I hate to clean, I love this thing!
Debra L Abe, Kailua Kona, HI

“I want you to know that I think your product is wonderful! I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am with the StarFiber cloth and mop we purchased. My house cleaning time has been cut almost in half, which is very important to me since I do work full-time outside the home. Thank you very much for such a great product! I am purchasing three more so I can give one to my mother and have extras for myself.”
Jeannie C. Neumayr, Auburn, CA

“I thoroughly enjoy this mop. It’s the first practical mop I’ve ever owned. My husband teasingly tells friends that it truly doesn’t take much to please me because I get excited over having a good mop.”
Gwen Miller, Sunrise, FL

“First I tried it on the bathroom mirror where I had purposefully left dried up toothpaste and hairspray. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was clean in a snap. Then I went to the sliding glass doors…the Starfiber did such a quick and streak-free job, that later in the day I almost walked right through them. I was so amazed that I just couldn’t stop cleaning and trying different things. Soap scum and water spots on the bathtub faucet were no problem. All this with just water! Next I tried dusting. It was great not having to shake out a dust rag all the time—the cloth just kept on picking up that dust! And the floor mop used dry did a wonderful job for sweeping runaway dog hair and for a quick pick up of spills. Used with water, it also did great cleaning the tile floor and left it virtually dry and without streaks! Thanks for a great product. Finally, something that really works as advertised!"
Pat Martin, E. Poland, ME

“I love this cleaning system so much! I told my family I could be a salesperson for you! …I’m so glad I saw the demo on TV and ordered this!
Linda Morris, Denver, CO

“I just gave away my ‘old’ mop…Your AquaStar cleaning products are fabulous & ecologically excellent. The steps I saved in washing our 23 windows & doors were great—cut my time in half. I only wish I’d bought more…Great to polish/clean glasses & vases.”
Lynne Tremeier, Stilwell KS

“You sure made a believer out of me. When I saw the TV commercial, as always, I buy things to see if it does what it promises; well it has never been true until today. I received your products and tried it out and IT WORKS! Yesterday, I cleaned all my mirrors and furniture using Windex and Pledge. Today I received your product and thought it was a crock, but I tried it and got angry because I wasted 2 hours yesterday. And your product got out all sorts of dirt, and my mirrors and windows weren’t even clean until now. My place has never been this clean. This product is unreal. I keep looking at this material and I can’t figure out how Windex, Pledge, and Mr. Clean and my muscle didn’t do diddly. All the wasted years of scrubbing…but someone up there likes me because AquaStar came along.”
Donna Bouman, San Diego, CA

  “Great Product. I am actually looking for things to clean, and I can tell you that has never happened before. Not only that, I am finding it removes some things that I have never been able to remove before. And only with a damp cloth. How great is that. Thanks again.”
Deana Moreau, CANADA

“I find your product (Miracle Cloth®) can be used for almost everything. I clean my jewelry, shine my shoes. Clean a purse and go over my throw rugs and throw pillows. I even cleaned my velour easy chair. My car is on its 4th wk. I used my floor mop (StarMop) to remove the rain water…I took the blue cloth and made the chrome and car shine so it looked like new, not like an 88.”
Irene Krogulecki

“I can now say good-bye to those old scrub brushes, wash rags, mops, and expensive gadgets (Swifter) that don’t seem to do the job as well as the StarMop.”
Amelia Damiano, Youngwood, PA

"I just purchased a…mop and cloth and am completely amazed at how well they work."
Jonnie Deming, CA

"Love this mop! Half of my home is tile. Almost enjoy mopping the floor. Ordering 2 because I don't ever want to be without a pad."
Margie Manning

“I have a collection of mops that I can’t use, similar to the closet-full of shoes in my closet that I can’t wear. I have a serious back condition, and the twisting, wringing, and bending made washing the floors a living hell. Naturally, I purchased your StarFiber System with a lot of skepticism. I LOVE IT! I get my floors washed in one-tenth the time. Even better, I actually wash the floor!”
Sheila Zackin

“With the terrible dust storms we get here…the windows were well coated with years of grime. Not anymore. Wipe once with the wet original StarFiber and dry with the second dry StarFiber. No streaks, no spots to touch up, just the cleanest windows I had ever had! Now the tough test, nicotine city, on the inside of those same windows. One wipe and dry, period. 6 little panes of glass, in and out, and that cloth was covered with horrible brown goo. So, I filled a bowl with hot soapy water, dunked a few times and the cloth is like new! I also made a good swipe at the wide window sill under the windows, which were full of dust, pet hair, and grime from leaving windows open. 2 swipes and the paint looked like new! I can’t thank you enough! ."
Carole Mommer, Chandler, AZ

"…I just recently purchased your StarMop™ and dusting cloth. These products are…absolutely phenomenal."
Mark Moore, Tucson, AZ

“I purchased a StarFiber mop…I hope to never touch a regular mop again. I can get my floors sparkling clean and they dry quickly enough before the kids track in more dirt. I also use it on my new hardwood floors. I don’t have to worry about streaks.”
Kollene Jackson, Atascadero, CA

“…finally got my order and have spent the entire day cleaning my house. We have never been so clean, I love it! Thanks.” Penelope Nichols