
The StarMop & StarMop Pro can be used wet for polishing and cleaning floors, and dry for sweeping, and picking up dust and dirt particles. The mop's special design allows you to clean in hard-to-reach places such as under furniture and in between small, narrow spaces._

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Starmop mop pads can be used dry for dusting and wet for cleaning and polishing. Excellent for cleaning hardwood, wood laminate, tile, linoleum, marble, formica, stone, painted surfaces, etc.

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Starmop dust pads are special electrostatic dust pads that are super-charged to attract dust, dirt, pet hairs etc. Rub the dust pad on any surface (floors, carpet, etc.) for that “extracharge.” The dust pad should only be used dry; do NOT wet the dust pad.

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The Angle Mop is a brand new product that is excellent for cleaning corners or hard to reach areas. It is excellent for cleaning tubs, showers, glass enclosures, walls, windows, aquariums, and hard to reach corners. The Angle Mop comes with a white telescoping pole, a green triangular plastic base with a handle and a triangular microfiber pad.

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Removes and Picks Up
Dust, dirt, pet hairs, tiny crumbs, microparticles, tough dried-in dirt, spills, scuffs, stains, streaks, smudges, and odor-causing bacteria.

FLOORS: Hardwood, wood laminate, tile, linoleum, marble, formica, painted surfaces, etc.
Other: Walls, ceilings, windows, autos, ceiling fans, air vents, etc.

First, adjust the extension pole to desired length by twisting counter-clockwise to loosen, and clockwise to tighten.

Dusting and sweeping
Use the StarMop dry—do not wet! Glide the mop over surface to pick up dust, dirt, pet hairs, etc. However, remember that the StarMop is a floor duster--not a vacuum. When pad becomes very dirty, just shake off the Mop Pad to remove loose dust and particles. You do not need to wash the Mop Pad after every dusting--just wash the pad when it becomes soiled or very dirty.

Cleaning and polishing
Use the StarMop wet to remove ground-in dirt, dried-in stains, mud, sticky messes, wet spills, scuff marks, etc. (tip: for tough scuff marks, while mopping, press your foot on top of the base, and push down for pressure). Lightly dampen the Mop Pad with water by rinsing under the faucet and wringing out, or mist with spray bottle. Do not over wet the mop pad. If pad gets heavily soiled while cleaning, simply remove pad from the base, and rinse out under the faucet. The StarMop can be used effectively with just water, however preferred non-toxic or chemical cleansers can be used.

Click here for WASH AND CARE INSTRUCTIONS for all our cloths.


The Starmop Pro™ can be used wet for polishing and cleaning floors, and for dry dusting. The mop’s special design allows you to clean in hard-to-reach places such as under furniture and in between small, narrow spaces. Excellent for cleaning hardwood floors, wood laminate, tile, linoleum, marble, formica, stone, painted surfaces etc.

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Starmop Pro™ mop pads can be used dry for dusting and wet for cleaning and polishing. Excellent for cleaning hardwood, wood laminate, tile, linoleum, marble, formica, stone, painted surfaces, etc.

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Starmop Pro™ dust pads are special electrostatic dust pads that are super-charged to attract dust, dirt, pet hairs etc. Rub the dust pad on any surface (floors, carpet, etc.) for that “extracharge.” The dust pad should only be used dry; do NOT wet the dust pad.

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• Pads are thrown away after only one use.
• One pad cleans only one room—about 60-100 sq. feet.
• One mop is needed for dusting; another different mop is needed for “wet” cleaning (with chemicals).

• Can’t be used for dusting.

• Sponge pad is not removable, nor washable.

• Smears and leaves residue.
• Need chemical cleansers.
• Reusable—wash the Starfiber pad up to 300 times!
• One pad can clean every room in your entire home--thousands of sq. feet!
• StarMop can dust AND clean your entire home—no chemicals necessary.

• Dusts, cleans and polishes.
• Starfiber pad is re-movable, and re-washable 300 times.
• Leaves absolutely no streaks or residue.
• Water is all you need!